December 11, 2022

Ayutthaya the world Heritage, Patrimoine mondial World Heritage UNESCO

Ayutthaya the world Heritage                

Patrimoine mondial World Heritage UNESCO                

The Historic City of Ayutthaya, with all of its remains, is considered to be cultural property of outstanding universal value and is listed as the World Heritage by UNESCO, on December 13, 1991 at Carthage, Tunisia, for the following reasons.                  

1. Ayutthaya represents a masterpiece of creative genius of perceptive selectin of the location of site to suita complex scheme of site planning that capitalized the natural features of the typically Thai water based settlement and culture to satisfy the demanding needs of the capital city to depend itself with the help of nature against enemy's attcks and to beblessed with an infrastructure system that would ensure its prospesity in peace time.

The creative scheme of land use and site planning of Ayutthya be capitlizing the natural features of water-based settlement and culture contributed significantly t the weath, power, prospecity and glory of ancient Ayutthya

2. The city plan of Ayuttha exerted a decisive influence on Bangkok in fact, Bangkok in its early years was Ayutthaya's resurrection in every aspect, including the structural arrangements, even the names of places, the unique hauses, boat houses, royal barges and boats, and lifestyles.

3. The Histiric City of Ayutthaya, and for what it was as a capital city, is distinctive and unique, and there is no historic city anywhere in Asia or any other parts of the world of its like.

4. The monuments in Ayutthaya are unique and outstanding in architectural design of the region. Many structures such as Chedi, Prang, and Prasat have the distinative character and appearance which cannot be found alike anywhere else, through the origins were from an earlier period.

The architectural design of Ayutthaya represents the continuation of architectural development irreplaceable now as a traditional Thai style.

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